
movin' on up....

just got a call from my baby's school. since he is now the whopping 5 months old, he will be moving to infant II class. i am a both happy and sad about this.
part of me is happy because that means that he will start doing more and more fun baby things. but the other part of me realizes that once he moves classes...it will fly by so fast. next thing you know he'll be in Twos II like my little sunshine and getting bit by other kids (which incidentally happened this week to my baby girl and I AM NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT one bit!!!!!). what is it with her getting bit by other snot nosed kids? i know she is just cute as can be and looks delicious for lots of hugs and kisses...but do they really have to bite her all the time? Geez!!

so, anyways...dylan will start his new class on monday with the big kids. doesn't he look excited?!


Kelley Loredo said...

Can't believe Dylan has graduated from his first class already! What's up with the biting? Poor Lauren!

Kristin said...

Love your new header :)