
Fun at the Park

We managed to get out to the park last weekend when the rain stopped and Lauren and Dylan had fun time sliding, swinging, and chasing each other all over the park!

making pretend lunch

notice lauren in the background...

one second later....gone!

love his nervous giggles when he gets going really high...

Pre-Halloween Fun!

Kevin and I went to a Halloween Party at our neighbors house a couple of weeks ago with the Glasscocks...or should I call them 'House and #13'.

We had a great time, but only had a couple of pictures to show! Shocker, I know!


Baby Shower for Max

Our friends the Donatos are awaiting the arrival of baby #3 in December. We had a baby shower to honor their special baby boy last Friday night at the Fishpaw's house and the theme was Max's Closet. We wanted to make sure that he had some cute new outfits, since he will likely have plenty of hand-me-downs from Big Brothers Jackson & Ryan!

We are so extremely happy for the Donatos and can't wait to meet Baby Max!


Weekend Following the Piggy Flu

Wow, what a tough week!! I am just so happy its Friday!

One week ago today, I received the ever so dreaded phone call from Lauren’s school. “Lauren has a fever and is not feeling well…you can see it in her poor little eyes". Immediately I knew how our weekend was going to be spent. Poor baby-girl.

Well, I thought I knew…I had no idea that we would actually end up in the doctor’s office on Saturday waiting all afternoon with a hundred snot-nosed sweet children, witnessing a young boy projectile vomit 2 feet away from us. OMG! I didn’t know what to do first. A) Check my feet for sprinkles, B) wisk Lauren up from her chair that was even closer the boy, or C) run to the restroom to help the mom out. I chose to quickly grab Lauren and then run to the restroom for a million napkins. It’s amazing how quick you can be when you have to be.

When we finally made it into see the Doc…Lauren’s nose was swabbed for the ‘FLU’- gosh is that ever so torturous looking or what?! ouch!! After just a few more minutes… my baby girl was diagnosed with the 2009 H1N1 Flu! I was freaking out!! Of course, I stayed pretty calm, cool, and collected in front of the Doc, but STILL…FREAKING OUT INSIDE!
He said it was no biggie and this year’s type 'A' flu IS the SWINE FLU!!

So, he sent us on our marry way with a script for Tami flu, and an ‘oh by the way – good luck finding it’ pat on the back!! GREAT!! Lucky for us, we were able to find some at our beloved SuperTarget…phew!

Oh yeah, almost forgot to share…I went to the dr myself on Monday, after a night of chills, fever and extreme body aches. Get this; they made me wear a MASK. Oh yes, I was ‘that’ person sporting the “People Magazine Celebrity Swine Flu” mask. Except, I am ….a) not a celebrity b) not strolling around in a bikini on a semi-private beach with my sexy superstar husband – I was mortified!!!

I spent Mon, Tues, & Wed at home sick as ever....and praying, praying, praying that my little Dylan wouldn't get it. Which by the way…hasn’t! Thank God!!

Kevin caught a mild case, got on tami flu, and is also recovering nicely.

Looking forward to a beautiful weekend of health!